1405738 laranja New Submission OT201212166DRG32 Others 30 0980971610 jossemar
1404991 RhampageWorld Deleted OT201212073JEDTR Others 3 95688765 MADCOZIMSTYLIN
1397840 C4 Internet&Network Games Normal OT20120731HTYDE2 Others 35 0431718695 gcmslin
1392884 MCC Henderson Normal AU201211140000_8 Others 30 zhaoc_dev
1392882 MCC Queentown Normal AU20121114000006 Others 19 zhaoc_dev
1392880 MCC HP Normal AU20121114000004 Others 41 zhaoc_dev
1392879 MCC Melb2 Normal AU20121114000003 Others 60 zhaoc_dev
1392878 MCC Melb1 Normal AU20121114000002 Others 100 zhaoc_dev
1392877 MCC City Normal AU20121114000001 Others 80 zhaoc_dev
1392874 MCC Henderson Normal AU20121114000008 Others 30 zhaoc_dev
1392871 MCC Perth Normal AU20121114000005 Others 40 zhaoc_dev
1392866 MCC Cook Normal AU20121114000010 Others 40 zhaoc_dev
1392865 MCC Dominion Normal AU20121114000009 Others 29 zhaoc_dev
1392863 MCC Hamilton Normal AU20121114000007 Others 60 zhaoc_dev
1392822 MC gaming 3 Normal OT20120514NXAPBA Others 10 1222222 gcmslin
1392167 Auburn internet cafe Normal OT20120426ZL9ZSR Others 42 0430606680 gcmslin
1386342 Game Storm Normal OT20111209XKGRG9 Others 48 61294761719 admin_row
1378204 Arena Internet Cafe Normal OT20110720Z6HZQ7 Others 40 0411388516 admin_row
1378098 Beyond Internet and Gaming Cafe Normal OT20110715ENADLA Others 100 0424964768 admin_row
1371857 CityPoint Cybercafe Normal OT20110519Y53YDH Others 45 61431953343 admin_row
1371633 SNIPER Internet Cafe Normal OT20110506LKDGNL Others 39 0433875279 admin_row
1369634 Estorm Internet Cafe Normal OT201103188ZZM5B Others 60 61420421919 admin_row
1367091 Geto Internet Cafe Normal OT20110225LHC39K Others 40 0413306858 admin_row
1366959 Nine Cat Mel Normal OT20110222F86YHK Others 100 61396540101 admin_row
1366657 e-Station Normal OT20110210E32GKX Others 20 61405790608 admin_row
1357633 Normal AU20100621BC6BC1 Others 42 00000000 zhaoc_dev
1355678 City Hunter Internet Cafe (China Town) Normal AU20100412BBAEA9 Others 75 61 0401963555 zhaoc_dev
1353054 Beyond internet cafe Normal AU200908279C23C7 Others 124 0401727052 zhaoc_dev
1352381 Centre Zone ( CZ Internet ) Normal AU2009062549F8EF Others 90 61-403251435 zhaoc_dev
1351926 MC Internet Cyber Café Normal OT20120514RPEFSS Others 550 006493089818 zhaoc_dev
1342193 N2C Internet Cafe Normal AU2010041547EC0C Others 60 0061 0433258679 TG_THR_Admin
1342192 Intime Group Pty Ltd Normal AU20101230C24E89 Others 100 000000 TG_THR_Admin
1403306 13 Deleted OT20121031RMZBBK Others 12312312 12345678 SmOk
1392733 Golden Hall Dubai Normal OT20120511JQ8WAY Others 120 +971506559159 gcmslin
1388060 The Warrior Rent A Computer LLC Shop 2 Normal OT2012020377433R Others 15 11113333 gcmslin
1388058 The Warrior Rent A Computer LLC Shop 1 Normal OT20120203NHBN4N Others 15 1114333 gcmslin
1387813 Que Club Normal OT201201209RSHDT Others 120 00971505501246 gcmslin
1384549 INFINITY ELECTRONIC GAMES Normal OT20111123SK3F38 Others 24 00971507101604 admin_row
1382554 The Warrior Ras Al-khaimah branch Normal OT201110252YGRKN Others 35 111222 admin_row
1371704 Goldenhall Normal OT20110511L9ZYBK Others 50 00971507750777 admin_row
1366525 Future Internet Cafe Normal OT20110207STXAKZ Others 10 971501383674 admin_row
1355977 The Warrior Al Ain Branch Normal AE201004193DE271 Others 50 +971503182742 zhaoc_dev
1354612 Xtreme Gaming Normal AE20100202CB9481 Others 40 00971508868870 zhaoc_dev
1403822 dsfsdfsdf Deleted OT201211123GTEXR Others 13 232323232 atifaslam
1398341 Game Centar Normal OT20120809ALY4DR Others 2 38971498871 h4xz0r
1359821 ESCAPE Normal BG20100830D33ACC Others 40 359885102592 zhaoc_dev
1408186 INF (Infinity) Internet Cafe New Submission OT20130121AE8YP5 Others 30 6738663127 booga019
1371860 Netster Cybergame Normal OT20110519NF2HS4 Others 30 6737171714 admin_row
406315 Pro.gamer New Submission OT20121222AP8ZXT Others 15 584243183479 VNZL.inderfro
1406313 Pro.gamer New Submission OT20121222KTQNKH Others 1 04243183479 VNZL.inderfro
1388361 CHICHINET Normal OT20120213TGYSM2 Others 15 59133286135 gcmslin
1355093 KERNEL LAN GAMES Normal BO20100318E57BD0 Others 52 59170130026 zhaoc_dev
1354406 Intensity Lan Center Normal BO201001079C0F7E Others 30 (591)72608433 zhaoc_dev
1404050 NoVa_GoldLikeeC New Submission OT201211193WD9XQ Others 1 0992297825 NoVa_GoldLikeeC
1403694 Gamerz Deleted OT20121109SRTJZN Others 4 3165083858 Mao24
1401365 Hell Warriors Normal OT20120921FGG752 Others 10 +50499661923 OnT.CdriK
1399132 MYPC Normal OT2012082375NTTA Others 32 005932226777 mypc
1391454 web-land Normal OT20120413DCJMCR Others 30 084299013 gcmslin
1373017 Punto Digital Normal OT20110614T84CZF Others 20 59383499181 admin_row
1354440 MYPC Normal EC20100113D1DAE6 Others 50 5932 2226777 zhaoc_dev
1402272 Lan-Arena.gr Piraeus Normal OT20121009CRZF45 Others 16 2104134364 gcmslin
1373188 NetSt@tion Normal OT20110622BLT7Q5 Others 25 302381029629 admin_row
1364634 The Web Normal OT20110120EL3XY7 Others 50 00302821092060 admin_row
1358822 @Spot Piraeus Normal GR20100826A917C0 Others 40 6941497907 zhaoc_dev
1355086 Gnet Melenikou Normal GR201003170B96CA Others 47 +306977554027 zhaoc_dev
1354616 Lan-Arena.gr Piraeus - Kastella Normal GR2010020361B5EE Others 45 +00302104134364 zhaoc_dev
1354244 BnB Nea Smirni
1406652 Arena New Submission OT201212275L2JHN Others 10 0773741549 x----Oz----x
1404982 spider net New Submission OT20121207CXQGCE Others 4 8983351373 My_LoOk._.R
1404645 Sudarshan's cafe New Submission OT20121130XMZRTR Others 10 9887744552 Facebook.Jpg
1404605 IRANIAN-CAFE New Submission OT20121129D7WFNW Others 1000 +989361098048 tohid_joon
1399088 Majestic Cafe Modified OT2012082256D3ZE Others 10 8796093264 Raj_Gam3r.ME
1397534 Aarna browsing center Normal OT20120725G82ZM4 Others 10 9916495887 gcmslin
1396582 Cyberia Game Zone Normal OT201207052APD3L Others 10 9503998441 gcmslin
1393916 Onkar InternetCafe Normal OT20120531ABZ8CE Others 10 9545615125 gcmslin
1390057 DAKSHAA CYBER & GAMING ZONE Normal OT20120316F7BXSC Others 10 9594380005 gcmslin
1390042 Barcode , Nagpur City Normal OT201203167JSDF2 Others 10 8793762923 gcmslin
1389927 Spider Web Normal OT20120314WNPRAY Others 10 9663917404 gcmslin
1389585 The Hangout Normal OT201203072TX2GT Others 10 9833775447 gcmslin
1389008 Barcode Normal OT2012022433JYM8 Others 10 9768886350 gcmslin
1388355 Storm Gaming Café Normal OT20120213B8ZAGJ Others 10 8082010099 admin_row
1388295 Prism cafe Normal OT20120210SACED2 Others 15 9098276381 admin_row
1387849 Game Zone Normal OT201201303NFJEL Others 10 9986150999 gcmslin
1387661 LSG Version 2 -2 Normal OT20120117JX9TXW Others 20 959441121 admin_row
1387105 LSG Version 2 Normal OT20120103E8DXHM Others 25 9594441121 admin_row
1382561 Rampage - The Game Zone Normal OT20111025MMHPDB Others 10 8108111457 admin_row
1382335 Antharal game bridge Normal OT20111019YELB6J Others 10 9480088339 admin_row
1382164 Game Guru Normal OT201110147GA6DM Others 10 9900084540 admin_row
1381439 Tek Arena Normal OT20110928QFFE3Z Others 10 9845270878 admin_row
1380025 O2 Infotech Normal OT20110913TE8SMW Others 12 9867776262 admin_row
1379643 RawR Normal OT201109047WPR6K Others 10 +91-9833760462 y0z
1379381 HON Thailand Normal OT20110825DZNYMY Others 60 111111 admin_row
1378524 ZG79 Normal OT20110801JJTTMF Others 10 10002365 admin_row
1378523 ZG78 Normal OT2011080155ESPK Others 15 111444555 admin_row
1378522 ZG77 Normal OT20110801ECGY26 Others 15 111222333 admin_row
1378521 ZG76 Normal OT201108014KYJD7 Others 10 111222333 admin_row
1378520 ZG75 Normal OT20110801MGZ2LB Others 10 111222333 admin_row
1378519 ZG74 Normal OT20110801RJSWXF Others 20 111222333 admin_row
1378257 Kings Cyber Cafe Normal OT201107222SRNRT Others 25 9930142919 admin_row
1378107 LSG 2 Normal OT201107158Y4C2P Others 10 9821366633 admin_row
1378079 LeVel 2 Normal OT20111115Z6MBTS Others 10 9893035001 admin_row
1377981 Nexgen Normal OT201107114XRDXB Others 10 9903561639 admin_row
1377937 Oblivian Games Normal OT201107088GG7X2 Others 10 9686404876 admin_row
1377923 G4 Gaming Normal OT201107087S6S2S Others 10 9867228212 admin_row
1377751 Netscafe Normal OT201107016KR8FK Others 10 9322303515 admin_row
1373198 Weapons Normal OT20110622LZMCA9 Others 15 9712933491 admin_row
1373196 EMCO Café Normal OT20110622WB53TK Others 10 8013614544 admin_row
1372894 Play Factory Normal OT201106106N3X8K Others 10 9820892592 admin_row
1372248 Collide Indore Normal OT20110606B7R8GY Others 10 9617883305 admin_row
1372236 Asylum Multiplayer Gaming Lounge Normal OT20110606AT97J3 Others 12 9612506792 admin_row
1372031 Underground Normal OT20110527HLC3S3 Others 10 9825126369 admin_row
1371771 SGCI'S GAMERZ ARENA Normal OT20110516XNP7PA Others 10 9885333379 admin_row
1371625 Frag Zone Normal OT201105066DWTNS Others 10 9833449493 admin_row
1371612 G R K Gaming Centre -2 Normal OT20110505KYWKDE Others 10 9246109872 admin_row
1371437 G R K Gaming Centre Normal OT20110428MZZC83 Others 30 9246109872 admin_row
1371312 Fast Mindz Normal OT20110726N6JACF Others 15 9920255449 admin_row
1371241 Cyberia Normal OT20110420D7P88C Others 10 9096729082 admin_row
1370539 Awareness Normal OT20110408C6W2WZ Others 15 9874061607 admin_row
1370538 Just Clickz Normal OT20110408FHHT3P Others 10 9764388999 admin_row
1370148 Inka cyber Normal OT201103316KMBXD Others 10 9903688797 admin_row
1369997 Zorba Gamezone Normal OT20110328QASS82 Others 10 9374105430 admin_row
1369626 Encounter 2 Normal OT2011031866KM6Q Others 10 9833449493 admin_row
1369625 Only Gamerz Normal OT201103189YGCMA Others 10 9930770621 admin_row
1369621 SpiderWeb Normal OT20110318KD73TT Others 15 9663917404 admin_row
1367296 Extreme Arena Normal OT20110304N5TLCG Others 10 9953743354 admin_row
1367214 Xtreme Gaming Normal OT20110302T4HXMN Others 10 9818235964 admin_row
1367129 I play café Normal OT201102283YAHWY Others 10 9824979604 admin_row
1367006 Fusion max Normal OT20110223XRLG8J Others 10 9831551917 admin_row
1366780 Barcode Normal OT20110215DMWRPW Others 15 8087770173 admin_row
1366561 Icottage Normal OT201102082FRMHZ Others 15 98117379397 admin_row
1366524 E-Zone Normal OT20110207Z7C93Q Others 10 9277557704 admin_row
1364819 Dream world 1 Normal OT20110126LQMT9S Others 10 9270083888 admin_row
1364513 Gamer Paradise 2 Normal NJH5DR4TYQGBLCWR Others 10 9330808167 admin_row
1364512 Gamers Anonymous 2 Normal NJH5DR4TYQGBLCW2 Others 10 9766177777 admin_row
1363146 Gamer Paradise Normal IN2010123194A221 Others 10 9330808167 zhaoc_dev
1363120 Majestic Net Cafe Normal IN20101229223D0B Others 10 8055244770 zhaoc_dev
1362988 TamBamGaming&Cyber Zone Normal IN2010122093DD36 Others 10 9804218616 zhaoc_dev
1362766 Shivshambho Cyber Café Normal IN20101208F52C18 Others 12 9674758230 zhaoc_dev
1362611 Storm Cafe Normal IN20101201D116B9 Others 10 9594044255 zhaoc_dev
1362432 G Zone Normal IN2010112365C720 Others 10 8087418112 zhaoc_dev
1362369 Gamers Anonymous 1 Normal IN20101119FBD057 Others 10 9766177777 zhaoc_dev
1362286 Dream World Cyber Café Normal IN20101116F46FD8 Others 20 9270083888 zhaoc_dev
1362257 ZG73 Normal IN20101115B0DC4E Others 15 000000 zhaoc_dev
1362256 ZG72 Normal IN20101115CAA9DA Others 10 000000 zhaoc_dev
1362255 ZG71 Normal IN201011159E45AD Others 10 00000 zhaoc_dev
1362254 ZG70 Normal IN20101115B92516 Others 10 000000 zhaoc_dev
1362253 ZG69 Normal IN20101115052EDA Others 10 000000 zhaoc_dev
1362252 ZG68 Normal IN20101115E0FBC3 Others 10 000000 zhaoc_dev
1362251 ZG67 Normal IN20101115F0C3D8 Others 10 00000 zhaoc_dev
1362250 ZG66 Normal IN20101115DD61B6 Others 10 000000 zhaoc_dev
1362249 ZG65 Normal IN2010111501AB20 Others 10 000000 zhaoc_dev
1362248 ZG64 Normal IN20101115FCDBA8 Others 10 000000 zhaoc_dev
1362247 ZG63 Normal IN20101115537FED Others 10 000000 zhaoc_dev
1362246 ZG62 Normal IN201011158FADC5 Others 10 000000 zhaoc_dev
1362245 ZG61 Normal IN20101115F85D86 Others 10 000000 zhaoc_dev
1362244 ZG60 Normal IN20101115A9BBF9 Others 10 000000 zhaoc_dev
1362243 ZG59 Normal IN20101115440734 Others 15 000000 zhaoc_dev
1362242 ZG58 Normal IN201011154237ED Others 10 000000 zhaoc_dev
1362241 ZG57 Normal IN20101115C1E6E1 Others 10 00000 zhaoc_dev
1362240 ZG56 Normal IN201011154C3450 Others 10 000000 zhaoc_dev
1362239 ZG55 Normal IN2010111509A6EA Others 15 00000 zhaoc_dev
1362238 ZG54 Normal IN20101115664ADE Others 10 000000 zhaoc_dev
1362237 ZG53 Normal IN20101115B7AA77 Others 10 000000 zhaoc_dev
1362236 ZG52 Normal IN20101115B186E9 Others 10 000000 zhaoc_dev
1362235 ZG51 Normal IN201011157B4D21 Others 10 000000 zhaoc_dev
1362234 ZG50 Normal IN20101115B7DB6A Others 10 000000 zhaoc_dev
1362233 ZG49 Normal IN20101115D46737 Others 10 000000 zhaoc_dev
1362232 ZG48 Normal IN20101115BE4967 Others 14 000000 zhaoc_dev
1362231 ZG47 Normal IN201011150E8591 Others 15 000000 zhaoc_dev
1362229 ZG46 Normal IN20101115B4D72C Others 15 00000 zhaoc_dev
1362228 ZG45 Normal IN201011153A441C Others 12 00000 zhaoc_dev
1362227 ZG44 Normal IN20101115F013E5 Others 14 000000 zhaoc_dev
1362226 ZG43 Normal IN20101115FC4F38 Others 12 000000 zhaoc_dev
1362225 ZG42 Normal IN20101115E0E708 Others 10 00000 zhaoc_dev
1362224 ZG41 Normal IN20101115BCCFD0 Others 10 000000 zhaoc_dev
1362223 ZG40 Normal IN20101115EDBFEC Others 10 000000 zhaoc_dev
1362222 ZG39 Normal IN201011155350C1 Others 10 000000 zhaoc_dev
1362221 ZG38 Normal IN20101115F886A6 Others 10 000000 zhaoc_dev
1362220 ZG37 Normal IN20101115C7BD73 Others 10 000000 zhaoc_dev
1362219 ZG36 Normal IN20101115FA5991 Others 15 00000 zhaoc_dev
1362218 ZG35 Normal IN2010111589D99B Others 10 000000 zhaoc_dev
1362217 ZG34 Normal IN20101115E5B098 Others 10 000000 zhaoc_dev
1362216 ZG33 Normal IN20101115A38415 Others 10 000000 zhaoc_dev
1362215 ZG32 Normal IN2010111565F662 Others 20 000000 zhaoc_dev
1362214 ZG31 Normal IN20101115034A49 Others 15 0000000 zhaoc_dev
1362213 ZG30 Normal IN20101115879ED5 Others 15 000000 zhaoc_dev
1362212 ZG29 Normal IN20101115C54DBC Others 15 000000 zhaoc_dev
1362211 ZG28 Normal IN201011150A8F09 Others 30 000000 zhaoc_dev
1362210 ZG27 Normal IN20101115BCEF32 Others 30 0000000 zhaoc_dev
1362209 ZG26 Normal IN201011157F7FE1 Others 10 000000 zhaoc_dev
1362208 ZG25 Normal IN20101115623DAD Others 10 000000 zhaoc_dev
1362207 ZG24 Normal IN20101115869985 Others 20 000000 zhaoc_dev
1362206 ZG23 Normal IN201011153BC7A2 Others 15 0000000 zhaoc_dev
1362205 ZG22 Normal IN201011151B5190 Others 10 0000000 zhaoc_dev
1362204 ZG21 Normal IN201011153E8B57 Others 10 000000 zhaoc_dev
1362203 ZG20 Normal IN20101115C0550A Others 10 00000 zhaoc_dev
1362202 ZG19 Normal IN2010111535A2E0 Others 20 000000 zhaoc_dev
1362201 ZG18 Normal IN2010111504EAFC Others 10 0000000 zhaoc_dev
1362200 ZG17 Normal IN2010111505CD71 Others 10 000000 zhaoc_dev
1362199 ZG16 Normal IN201011151DFE44 Others 10 000000 zhaoc_dev
1362198 ZG15 Normal IN201011155E0472 Others 10 000000 zhaoc_dev
1362197 ZG14 Normal IN2010111510A0EB Others 10 000000 zhaoc_dev
1362196 ZG13 Normal IN20101115B75AEE Others 10 000000 zhaoc_dev
1362195 ZG12 Normal IN2010111545FAE9 Others 15 0000000 zhaoc_dev
1362194 ZG11 Normal IN201011157EFB33 Others 10 000000 zhaoc_dev
1362193 ZG10 Normal IN201011153D88CE Others 10 0000000 zhaoc_dev
1362192 ZG9 Normal IN2010111555E7D3 Others 10 000000 zhaoc_dev
1362191 ZG8 Normal IN20101115D2C7A6 Others 10 0000000 zhaoc_dev
1362190 ZG7 Normal IN201011153ACCED Others 10 000000 zhaoc_dev
1362189 ZG6 Normal IN20101115C1D2D8 Others 15 000000 zhaoc_dev
1362188 ZG5 Normal IN20101115F9B30D Others 10 000000 zhaoc_dev
1362187 ZG4 Normal IN20101115A382A9 Others 10 0000000 zhaoc_dev
1362186 ZG3 Normal IN201011157C01C2 Others 10 000000 zhaoc_dev
1362185 ZG2 Normal IN201011156C4694 Others 10 00000000 zhaoc_dev
1362184 ZG1 Normal IN2010111585220E Others 10 +91 98923 31344 zhaoc_dev
1362165 Yashnet Normal IN2010111519B428 Others 10 9422504254 zhaoc_dev
1362075 Prime Game Zone Normal IN20101110372EC3 Others 10 9730323252 zhaoc_dev
1361870 Nath Cafe Normal IN20101029CC4549 Others 10 9657543181 zhaoc_dev
1361869 Technopoint Normal IN20101029B0F4FF Others 10 9820078229 zhaoc_dev
1361821 GKNRAO Cyber Café Normal IN201010273BDA6C Others 10 9845919782 zhaoc_dev
1361518 G4 Gaming Arena Normal IN201010152C9436 Others 10 022-31928212 zhaoc_dev
1361436 Crazy World Normal IN20101011FDE8DD Others 10 9370405645 zhaoc_dev
1360881 CZ Gamezone Normal IN20100922C77A72 Others 10 9725007091 zhaoc_dev
1360704 Xtreme Cafe Normal IN201009158D0B70 Others 15 9632448484 zhaoc_dev
1359905 SGC Normal IN201009029F0B42 Others 10 9819169470 zhaoc_dev
1359871 Cybertech Normal IN20100901EECC67 Others 10 9220965915 zhaoc_dev
1359838 Arya Cyber Café Normal IN2010083133E5B5 Others 10 9869488487 zhaoc_dev
1359736 Virtual Gaming Station Normal IN20100826972B86 Others 20 9892964716 zhaoc_dev
1358770 Net4you Normal IN20100824D87068 Others 10 9371511515 zhaoc_dev
1358758 NGG café Normal 853SAMWK9PGXDBDJ Others 13 9545615125 zhaoc_dev
1358550 Game City Normal IN201008109F2812 Others 12 9426267248 zhaoc_dev
1358431 Lakulish Normal IN20100806317B2A Others 10 9825367379 zhaoc_dev
1358429 Diginet Normal IN20100806246F9E Others 10 04023731554 zhaoc_dev
1358408 Morphsis game zone Normal IN2010080525BEFF Others 10 9823990911 zhaoc_dev
1357965 Fight club Normal IN201007286E5C31 Others 10 9820011408 zhaoc_dev
1357729 ClubLan 2 Normal IN20100712A9CE57 Others 10 9960502295 zhaoc_dev
1357355 Energy gaming café Normal IN20100601372B1D Others 10 9820092592 zhaoc_dev
1357129 Eplay - 3 Normal IN20100514C22790 Others 10 9974355156 zhaoc_dev
1356738 AR Cafe Normal IN201004306D5BB7 Others 10 9892313864 zhaoc_dev
1355364 Encounter Normal IN201003301C6949 Others 20 9833449493 zhaoc_dev
1355116 G- Force 7 Normal IN201003226BDBB3 Others 10 9870577083 zhaoc_dev
1354855 Mahima Game Zone Normal IN20100301457EE3 Others 10 9426698122 zhaoc_dev
1354853 Ozone Gaming Normal IN20100301FCE274 Others 10 9987548754 zhaoc_dev
1354852 Kj Infotech Normal IN20100301FC4E26 Others 10 9322517558 zhaoc_dev
1354827 Addicted Gaming zone Normal IN2010022497B50C Others 10 9920901465 zhaoc_dev
1354826 OFG Normal IN20100224514A8E Others 15 9819806103 zhaoc_dev
1354593 IDP-Gaming Normal IN20100201E220FB Others 10 9820521250 zhaoc_dev
1354592 iLAN Normal IN20100201662465 Others 10 9818038931 zhaoc_dev
1354554 Bar Code Normal IN20100127CC6ADD Others 12 9867981188 zhaoc_dev
1354500 Vertigo Normal IN201001214EDDA5 Others 10 9323241812 zhaoc_dev
1354441 Private-i Normal IN20100113BA19B0 Others 10 9221042965 zhaoc_dev
1354431 Head2head Normal IN20100112A8988B Others 12 9823213369 zhaoc_dev
1354429 Gamer Lounge LLP Normal IN201001127FAB43 Others 20 9995486940 zhaoc_dev
1354371 Battle ground Normal IN20100103ABABD3 Others 10 9874090302 zhaoc_dev
1354292 illuzionzz Game Zone Normal IN200912223109B1 Others 18 9819283836 zhaoc_dev
1354276 Eplay - 2 Normal IN200912219E4960 Others 10 9824411091 zhaoc_dev
1354275 Eplay - 1 Normal IN20091221484084 Others 10 9974355156 zhaoc_dev
1354273 Frag Gaming Zone Normal IN2009122106258B Others 12 9492921641 zhaoc_dev
1354251 Impact Gaming Zone Normal IN200912178D2708 Others 10 9769320464 zhaoc_dev
1354200 Plug In Normal IN20091210D6450B Others 20 9892299026 zhaoc_dev
1354199 LSG Normal BEQWPC6DX3RS4GL7 Others 10 9821366633 zhaoc_dev
1354135 Club LAN Normal IN200911304FA623 Others 15 7875685902 zhaoc_dev
1354089 AJ Cyber Café Normal IN20091124A22FD7 Others 10 9769991540 zhaoc_dev
1353796 Game Planet Normal IN2009103148E59B Others 12 9819861863 zhaoc_dev
1353769 Morphsis Café Normal IN200910283A7EB5 Others 12 9823990911 zhaoc_dev
1353697 Games Anonymous Normal IN200910216E4E31 Others 11 97661 77777 zhaoc_dev
1353503 Esports Gaming Zone Normal IN200910136E71F4 Others 15 9099112222 zhaoc_dev
1353426 Skynet Café Normal IN200910024C940D Others 10 9890851846 zhaoc_dev
1353270 Respawn café Normal IN2009091402F698 Others 10 011-45589591 zhaoc_dev
Cafe ID Cafe Name Status Auth Key Country Number of PCs Phone Number Editor Options
1408017 Larva Normal OT201301185X6CHG Others 25 097 883 7878 gcmslin
1407912 Green Burger Net Normal OT20130117988B7X Others 20 092999951 aplusonline
1407667 Vannak 99 Normal OT20130114ZNNEX2 Others 10 093555509 aplusonline
1407434 Nisay Net Normal OT20130109GEAJWX Others 20 0887777611 aplusonline
1407426 7 Ulty Net Normal OT20130109MRETHB Others 10 092122166 aplusonline
1406596 Nah Nah VIP Normal OT20121226AHZYT2 Others 23 +85578878776 gcmslin
1406594 Cybercity8 Riverside Normal OT201212262EYJRS Others 78 +85578878776 gcmslin
1406593 Cybercity8 Sovanna Normal OT20121226Q5ZCCR Others 120 +85578878776 gcmslin
1405220 Team Online Normal OT20121211H34GHL Others 10 0979069066 aplusonline
1405209 NY internet cafe Normal OT201212114DY86W Others 15 855979732223 gcmslin
1404935 Huy Heng NET Normal OT20121206G4W4HT Others 20 017678999 aplusonline
1404882 Tong Hero Net Normal OT20121205JYJ9XW Others 10 089979890 aplusonline
1404828 Cybernet Alliance Society Deleted OT201212048HDLKF Others 1 02165280453 ice_sprit
1404804 Top Legend Net Normal OT201212049W5D9B Others 10 092860969 aplusonline
1404331 Next Net Normal OT201211245FLHFB Others 15 016533876 aplusonline
1403954 Man City Net Normal OT20121115HF9RCZ Others 15 017979797 aplusonline
1403571 G.World Internet Normal OT201211079SHPF8 Others 34 012728828 aplusonline
1403429 Sector 7 Battle Area Normal OT201211028XJQ5R Others 41 85581818283 gcmslin
1403364 ES-Zone Normal OT20121102RHHPWK Others 32 (855)078588288 gcmslin
1403242 C.M.K city net Normal OT20121030HMPP3G Others 10 011555768 aplusonline
1402999 Sunny Net Normal OT2012102454PZXZ Others 10 0707788719 aplusonline
1402958 Heng Leang Kim Normal OT20121024K3K3AK Others 10 093828352 aplusonline
1402522 nextnet Normal OT20121013L5TSBB Others 15 85512433946 nextnet
1401820 SP Internet Normal OT201209292A6QCA Others 20 +85516565455 HSM_Kimchhi
1401477 Resident_City Normal OT201209252GFYD5 Others 23 +855 888888678 gcmslin
1399344 APlus Internet Normal OT20120827LHZ26Y Others 45 012936866 aplusonline
1398868 ARENA ZONE Normal OT20120817KNMSB7 Others 73 70788822 gcmslin
1398826 Galaxy Cyber Normal OT201208166MSKB2 Others 31 083939393 aplusonline
1398659 Cyrus Match Platinum Normal OT20120814TA7739 Others 28 855 16 611112 gcmslin
1398349 Sekmeas Cafe KP Normal OT201208103RP36X Others 15 012338873 gcmslin
1398048 Arunnet Normal OT20120803RS9QJR Others 15 078737753 gcmslin
1397768 Warrior Normal OT20120729SQM9A7 Others 30 012570720 ke7en_lin
1397767 Nick_Net Normal OT20120729N943JP Others 20 012570720 ke7en_lin
1397539 World Net Normal OT20120725AJTTAG Others 25 855977767666 gcmslin
1397266 ke7en_lin8 Normal OT20120719A7YJMC Others 20 012570720 ke7en_lin
1397167 Champion_Net1 Normal OT20120717P58LA2 Others 20 012570720 ke7en_lin
1396788 Cyber Drak Normal OT20120709KXHNES Others 35 654234453 gcmslin
1395950 Sekmeas Cafe Normal OT20120627NL5LCC Others 15 098393555 gcmslin
1394720 TopTeen.Net Normal OT20120613C9JDRC Others 20 +85512266668 TG_THR_Admin
1394571 Happy City Normal OT201206118YR4CP Others 15 92232200 TG_THR_Admin
1394563 SABAYZONE Normal OT20120610LNNAD3 Others 68 85578447713 TG_THR_Admin
1393671 Hennessy.Net Normal OT201205278232Y5 Others 30 855977286277 soklee
1392463 TopTeenNet Normal OT20120504RYQK9B Others 21 012570720 ke7en_lin
1392385 Computer Gaming Normal OT20120503J8D3E9 Others 63 0978503085 gcmslin
1392127 Global Net Normal OT201204257YP5ZB Others 18 +85570990993 gcmslin
1392108 Apsara Web Normal OT20120425XJWSHH Others 50 85593961982 gcmslin
1391307 Star Net Normal OT20120410T2LT6Q Others 20 010222290 ke7en_lin
1390118 highrocknet Modified OT20120319LKDXJ8 Others 15 070222977 gcmslin
1388204 2in1 Normal OT20120208DDNRDP Others 20 010222290 ke7en_lin
1388141 G-World Net Normal OT2012020648QBTW Others 35 855 12728828 gcmslin
1387943 Bonline Normal OT201201303632HD Others 52 85512474774 gcmslin
1387779 Cyrus Match Normal OT201201182TCBQP Others 58 +855234565789 gcmslin
1387260 Soseng web Normal OT201201066F6E6D Others 20 85577977796 gcmslin
1387259 ke7en_lin Normal OT20120106S2JPMK Others 20 010222290 gcmslin
1387252 KL COMPUTER TECHNOLOGY Normal OT20120106WPT33M Others 40 85516511113 gcmslin
1386991 Angkor Cyber Normal OT20111229A9XMWN Others 21 015552545 admin_row
1386214 Capitol-Net Normal OT20111206HJ7QSB Others 30 089979897 admin_row
1382243 Cyber Legend Normal OT20120127N4MRMC Others 40 855975733375 admin_row
1382091 Cyber Arena Gamers Portal Normal OT20111012G56WBJ Others 178 98781866 admin_row
1379775 Mealychenda Normal OT20110907FY7P6X Others 24 011931234 admin_row
1378583 Sunlay Net Normal OT20110803WGJQD9 Others 50 85515260777 admin_row
1378395 DD Net Normal OT20110727MEWLCT Others 30 855175555521 admin_row
1378394 PC Net Normal OT20110727W3D9SH Others 50 012868178 admin_row
1378388 Sambath_dara_net Normal OT20110727LD2E42 Others 100 012868178 admin_row
1378302 Cyber Se7en Modified OT201107252C2WSE Others 27 069699855 admin_row
1378015 Bun Chhay Net Normal OT20110712DMA4TM Others 65 011991828 admin_row
1373107 MokodpichNet Normal OT20110617H3T46D Others 60 016986838 admin_row
1372981 APlus Online Poipet Normal OT20110613EJ6KXY Others 41 85512936866 admin_row
1372789 Supersky Normal OT20110608EJEHAC Others 25 016236726 admin_row
1372130 Gi Gi Internet Normal OT201106019NH2HS Others 48 85511777775 admin_row
1371985 Firstweb Normal OT201202272Z53L6 Others 20 855977070670 admin_row
1371879 CyberCity8 Normal OT20110519M9W6L2 Others 218 85598878368 admin_row
1371653 Happy Seven Normal OT20110509582EBB Others 41 85578588288 admin_row
1370370 Winter Cafe Shop Normal OT20110405Z6TGHR Others 42 85517686890 admin_row
1370152 Kim Chhay Normal OT20110331KZSSJS Others 27 5148276588 admin_row
1369484 DiamondWeb 3 Normal OT201103142XQD7C Others 36 000010000 admin_row
1367044 Cyber Cafe Normal OT20110509XNXJTL Others 25 85592939522 admin_row
1364306 Neo Net Normal W7YPTM6R4Q9CD89L Others 15 097 536 7888 admin_row
1359827 Aplus Online Normal KH201008306D058B Others 50 00000000 zhaoc_dev
1357440 Mara Internet Cafe Normal KH201006098D9A0B Others 55 85517360000 zhaoc_dev
1354585 The Arena Club Normal KH201001313A2704 Others 55 0978503085 zhaoc_dev
1354401 DiamondWeb 2 Normal KH201001070E2B24 Others 37 855 12 984 809 zhaoc_dev
1354372 DiamondWeb 1 Normal KH20100104594C06 Others 80 855 12 984 809 zhaoc_dev
1408264 BoMBeR clan New Submission OT20130122TWG7XS Others 20 96695993 BoMBeR.LorD
1408058 Insomnia New Submission OT201301199HZM8D Others 20 +79025110011 Pindleskin
1408056 Roxy Arena New Submission OT20130118SSHFJD Others 30 +976959935991 iLoVe.Roxy.mN
1408055 XapXopuH New Submission OT20130118MMNJE3 Others 1 96742428 RateZ...GoDDy
1408034 MoNoGRaM New Submission OT20130118MG6HZ7 Others 30 99852824 RateZ...GoDDy
1407979 Homenet New Submission OT201301179RG4JP Others 4 01021173738 noaction-mn
1407682 OMEGA CENTER New Submission OT20130114JNP9TR Others 74 976-94044098 X.A.P.H.A.A
1407675 OMEGA CENTER Normal OT20130114T9QK2L Others 74 976+88119908 gcmslin
1407524 GGTV Normal OT20130110BC7AEA Others 20 976-99118580 TimElPl4TinuM
1406782 Ganaa New Submission OT20121229HMHEZ5 Others 1 88204892 hero.ganaaka
1406656 pao New Submission OT20121227CXARB8 Others 100 7738442935 pao.prz
1406330 Dark Team Normal OT201212238S2A6Y Others 30 976-99118580 TimElPl4TinuM
1405727 enhuush New Submission OT201212158KLC37 Others 1 70160031 545_999
1405481 MeW New Submission OT20121212NYMATX Others 14 99142323 mew.wk
1405060 Fenix Deleted OT20121208NXHWTL Others 88745860 95776036 mN.Ryze
1404690 Gremix'PC New Submission OT20121202L792HW Others 4 99999999 Gremix
1404641 GooDGaMe Internet Cafe New Submission OT20121130275LF5 Others 20 10010050 ExCeLLeNT.TeeGi
1404530 TimElPC_GAMECENTER Modified OT20121128ZTXTP2 Others 25 99118580 TimElPl4TinuM
1404499 3olo'2 New Submission OT20121127TFNJF8 Others 10 94091046 n0ob.....dO_Ob
1404319 Handycafe Deleted OT20121123ESQXGB Others 20 88472345 GB_0823
1404018 Manonymous New Submission OT20121117Q4PYWG Others 6 97696691189 gg_assassin01
1404016 Cravings Deleted OT20121117XPRS7X Others 25 0097670232240 crack.craving
1404003 home Deleted OT20121117YKB86G Others 5 88151094 S|cffff0000o|n1
1403824 Тамир PC Game Deleted OT20121113CECSPP Others 11 +97670212238 W-e-G..Warrior
1403816 GoodGame Deleted OT20121112T97KT4 Others 20 77030392 reservemn
1403809 Magic Center Normal OT20121112YLTM8W Others 30 97697168088 gcmslin
1400548 GoodGame.mn Normal OT201209107R9S36 Others 20 976 89101910 gcmslin
1397133 DARER MONGOLIA Normal OT20120717ZEMT6F Others 60 +97699205050 gcmslin
1392044 I-City Normal OT20120424K8WZNP Others 29 99002839 gcmslin
1390878 RaiDs Normal OT20120401ESLMJ2 Others 2 95297396 showBiZ.RanGe
1390877 YaphetS Normal OT20120401H363K2 Others 50 95297396 showBiZ.RanGe
1384900 Elite PC Game Normal OT20111125BC4C2J Others 60 +97699851892 TimElTuulai.eS
1381656 Double Click Normal OT20111003BECRGY Others 20 88483674 admin_row
1378973 Playtime Normal OT2011081559A7DB Others 25 99101388 TimElTuulai.eS
1377936 MAX Internet Cafe Normal OT20110708EM6FQC Others 25 97695959500 admin_row
1371772 Town Center 2 Normal OT2011051627YE72 Others 48 97699082628 admin_row
1371157 Omega Normal OT201104186Y5E5D Others 90 88111034 admin_row
1370616 Empire Normal OT201104124XZJGB Others 39 976-95167994 admin_row
1370167 AuraArena Normal OT20110331PE56YG Others 66 99097624 admin_row
1366950 4 focus Normal OT20110222BJJJYA Others 24 97699794674 admin_row
1366901 Good Guys Normal OT20110221WWMJCH Others 20 97688821752 admin_row
1357692 Unlimited Normal MN20100705D6D778 Others 42 2342525 zhaoc_dev
1357330 T!mE|Internet &Game Modified MN2010053147D218 Others 30 +97699118580 zhaoc_dev
1357233 Happy House Internet Pc Game Normal MN20100524152A19 Others 50 5431532 zhaoc_dev
1356881 Base Normal MN20100504E9EFA6 Others 24 54366663 zhaoc_dev
1354309 Cyber Age Normal MN20091222934824 Others 40 88004043 zhaoc_dev
1353492 AntiPro Center Normal MN20091012473505 Others 105 99097646 zhaoc_dev
1353422 Alyaska Normal MN20091001E2E1EF Others 44 976-96655016 zhaoc_dev
1352164 Tsahim Game Center Normal MN20090611DA5277 Others 25 00000000 zhaoc_dev
1352163 Margad Center Normal MN200906111771DE Others 59 zhaoc_dev
1352151 Bet Center Normal MN2009061090D204 Others 46 97699102021 zhaoc_dev
1352043 Town Center Normal MN20090604768CCF Others 100 99082628 zhaoc_dev
1351974 Shagdar Normal MN200905295F7DA0 Others 25 976-96667075 zhaoc_dev
1404678 cafe New Submission OT20121201HCPJNS Others 10 01234568 reza0to100kmh
1400787 Mt Albert Cyber Cafe Normal OT201209129PDR6H Others 36 09 8152233 gcmslin
1400113 Ander Internet Cafe Normal OT201209048B3SKJ Others 36 0210501913 gcmslin
1394293 BIGWORLD INTERNET CAFE Normal OT20120605NMJ92M Others 70 006421-319666 TG_THR_Admin
1387380 MC gaming 2 Normal OT20120514B7G4KZ Others 40 006493089818 admin_row
1383872 Hei Dian Normal OT2011111694WYLM Others 50 006421916080 admin_row
1381285 Takapuna Normal OT201109249KAWWD Others 32 006493089818 mccgaming
1378016 Net3 Cyber Cafe Normal OT20110712LXDQXP Others 40 0210501913 admin_row
1371158 Netbar Normal OT20110418B6C2BB Others 70 6421374264 admin_row
1370359 Topnet Gaming Club Normal OT20110404985J4D Others 35 09-3796940 admin_row
1369477 iPlay Internet Cafe Normal OT20110314SQJT9X Others 70 02102228166 admin_row
1357332 Westcity Cyber Cafe Normal NZ20100531CF162A Others 40 +64-21-02088688 zhaoc_dev
1355222 Bros Internet Cafe Normal NZ20100326C7DE58 Others 60 0064-21678256 zhaoc_dev
1353136 E Fly Internet Cafe Normal NZ20090904077CED Others 30 02102905867 zhaoc_dev
1362541 G53 internet shop Normal PN2010112745DF49 Others 6 09182931110/10 zhaoc_dev
1361586 Alecxus Efrain Comp. Shop Normal PN20101019A81D6E Others 10 0922-8753815 zhaoc_dev
1407812 sad New Submission OT20130116QNYSQJ Others 231 4075090787 angry
1388044 none1 Normal OT20120202EK9EZA Others 20 0785113366 padas_tibi
1388043 none 2 Normal OT20120202SXZXC2 Others 25 40785113366 padas_tibi
1379564 Alien Cyber Caffe Normal OT20110901EFJ84D Others 20 0769682469 admin_row
1371888 Loolish Gaming Timisoara Normal OT20110520AQJHKJ Others 68 000999 admin_row
1370157 Assault Internet&Games Normal OT20110331577JN6 Others 22 +40-745778636 admin_row
1366526 StaNet Normal OT2011020732PZGQ Others 20 40741236800 admin_row
1364586 RO2010042796E009 Normal RO2010042796E009 Others 40 6235789 TG_THR_Admin
1356546 Confidential Normal RO2010042789CB71 Others 20 40722648234 zhaoc_dev
1356545 Normal RO201004273A7729 Others 40 00000000 zhaoc_dev
1356544 Normal RO20100427D97634 Others 40 00000000 zhaoc_dev
1356543 Normal RO20100427FFEBED Others 40 00000000 zhaoc_dev
1356542 Normal RO20100427A32178 Others 40 00000000 zhaoc_dev
1356541 Normal RO201004275F56D7 Others 40 00000000 zhaoc_dev
1356540 Normal RO20100427A4CC3F Others 40 00000000 zhaoc_dev
1356539 Normal RO20100427B55CDE Others 40 00000000 zhaoc_dev
1356538 Normal RO20100427B5329E Others 40 00000000 zhaoc_dev
1356537 Normal RO20100427E9D828 Others 40 00000000 zhaoc_dev
1356536 Normal RO20100427DC5C96 Others 40 00000000 zhaoc_dev
1356535 Normal RO20100427B23982 Others 40 00000000 zhaoc_dev
1356534 Normal RO20100427E51516 Others 40 00000000 zhaoc_dev
1356533 Normal RO201004276F9A61 Others 40 00000000 zhaoc_dev
1356532 Normal RO20100427C92D85 Others 40 00000000 zhaoc_dev
1356531 3D Internet Cafe Normal RO201004275229BF Others 40 0735532152 zhaoc_dev
1356529 Normal RO2010042707FD8E Others 40 00000000 zhaoc_dev
1356528 Normal RO201004273B0C36 Others 40 00000000 zhaoc_dev
1356527 Normal RO201004276717D8 Others 40 00000000 zhaoc_dev
1356526 Normal RO20100427E17BBB Others 20 00000000 zhaoc_dev
1356525 Normal RO20100427B5F414 Others 20 00000000 zhaoc_dev
1356524 Normal RO201004273D992A Others 20 00000000 zhaoc_dev
1356523 Normal RO20100427CCB0F0 Others 20 00000000 zhaoc_dev
1356522 Normal RO20100427CC97B3 Others 20 00000000 zhaoc_dev
1356521 Normal RO20100427DC957F Others 20 00000000 zhaoc_dev
1356520 Normal RO20100427D439D7 Others 20 00000000 zhaoc_dev
1356519 Normal RO20100427CEE558 Others 20 00000000 zhaoc_dev
1356518 Normal RO201004273BCAD2 Others 20 00000000 zhaoc_dev
1356517 Normal RO20100427A058DC Others 20 00000000 zhaoc_dev
1356516 Normal RO20100427F063E5 Others 20 00000000 zhaoc_dev
1356515 Normal RO20100427457A1F Others 20 00000000 zhaoc_dev
1356514 Normal RO20100427FCFBA8 Others 20 00000000 zhaoc_dev
1356513 Normal RO20100427AE23D0 Others 20 00000000 zhaoc_dev
1356512 Normal RO2010042735B8C5 Others 20 00000000 zhaoc_dev
1356511 Normal RO20100427ECA95A Others 20 00000000 zhaoc_dev
1356510 Normal RO2010042734BB0B Others 20 00000000 zhaoc_dev
1356509 Normal RO20100427020F39 Others 20 00000000 zhaoc_dev
1356508 Milennium Multiserv S.R.L. Normal RO20100427EFECF9 Others 36 0785113366 zhaoc_dev
1362987 The God father Gaming Normal RS2010122047425E Others 35 0638075125 zhaoc_dev
1404259 Que Club Albarsha Branch Normal OT2012112236TYZS Others 70 00971505501246 gcmslin
1352368 Game Net Normal SA20090624AB55A2 Others 230 +966 2 691 0885 zhaoc_dev
1357193 Enter-Net Normal TR20100518F15377 Others 40 +905555751557 zhaoc_dev
1355070 Adeks Internet Cafe Normal TR20100316690B4A Others 62 +902122275778 zhaoc_dev
1407806 Angry' Lan New Submission OT20130116E5SWED Others 10000 552998784565 angry
1407687 DanBrown New Submission OT20130115PL8TBC Others 50 96768750 Just.Leo
1407594 Addction GaminG New Submission OT20130111YFC8XF Others 16 559180325610 1st.Cm.Cr0w
1405652 Addction GaminG Deleted OT20121213TP2TBX Others 16 559180325610 1st.Cm.Cr0w
1405512 Addction GaminG Normal OT201212139YFHWR Others 16 09180325610 gcmslin
1403465 12312 Deleted OT2012110385F3CL Others 3123123 123123213213 SmOk
1403347 Tower Game 02 Deleted OT201211019973PF Others 10 2799468110 danxf
1399036 remakes Modified OT20611021M74AM9 Others 15 556232423136 exeplay
1398448 Tower Games Modified OT20120811ZPWZA8 Others 10 322244233 danxf
1398272 NeWs Normal OT20120808MFWFMR Others 30 9591154256 gcmslin
1397280 Click Net Lan House Normal OT20120719LN7LFL Others 16 +552732242900 danxf
1397015 pvPArcanj0 Normal OT20120713GRZQWT Others 15 61 3346 8466 TG_THR_Admin
1396756 PrOFoOX-GG Normal OT20120708N3AXYP Others 10 62 32111234 DanBrown
1392158 Br-GyN Normal OT201204256KYDB6 Others 30 55623243136 Oomph.br
1388943 FabianO GCA Retailer Normal OT201202222PJPPA Others 30 4884271783 BulIyinG
1386900 @net Normal OT20111227RTHP3A Others 23 92359380 admin_row
1386899 FastHouse Cyber Cafe Normal OT20111227CERADM Others 20 0213185-3729 admin_row
1386683 DanBrown - Leo Normal OT20111221PAX4HG Others 20 96768750 DanBrown
1386521 Broken Cyber Cafe Modified OT20111214C92QJJ Others 30 96768750 DanBrown
1386413 Leo Cyber Cafe Normal OT20111212WZA47Y Others 50 30861903 DanBrown
1386399 social cafe Normal OT201112112362KR Others 50 556232423136 Oomph.br
1386359 friends Normal OT20111209T6KGFF Others 50 556232423136 exeplay
1386215 Zoom Sliven Normal OT201112062EXM8Z Others 20 359877638277 admin_row
1385750 Keech Cyber Cafe Normal OT20111201H9JT98 Others 20 55 62 30861903 admin_row
1384572 well games Normal OT20111123YLEMWT Others 25 556230954848 admin_row
1383240 Action Net Normal OT20111108WBERQB Others 15 0556130417795 admin_row
1382428 remakes Normal OT20111021M74AM9 Others 15 556232423136 admin_row
1381657 ClansBR Lan House - Joinville Normal OT201110037XN4HF Others 50 554730284834 admin_row
1381387 Exxxtreme Lan House e Conveniência Digital Normal OT20110927FLKQ9C Others 15 552124277650 admin_row
1379458 Nano Lan House Normal OT20110829DNMDY9 Others 16 553133754202 admin_row
1378147 LANCERDA Normal OT2011071828HM3X Others 15 552137697522 admin_row
1371575 K & S Play-Games Normal OT201105049R58F2 Others 30 88-36521840 admin_row
1369676 G.Alaxys Normal OT20110322MBAKBC Others 20 22 99498299 admin_row
1369675 GOOD GAME LAN HOUSE Normal OT201103224TLGPQ Others 30 55 62 30879667 admin_row
1364433 DT Lan-House Normal NJH5DR4TYQGBLCW3 Others 20 067 33061050 admin_row
1395680 Kiber NEXT Club Normal OT20120625ZHCHZG Others 10 380509781463 HitoYama2012
1369674 FANATIK Normal OT201103225YRYJ4 Others 70 +373 22 222361 admin_row
1369697 Kicker Normal OT201103227BEELQ Others 25 951542565 admin_row
1370268 Style Net Cafe Normal OT20110401JR8WTM Others 20 0020168153666 admin_row
1407522 Hazara Game Zone New Submission OT201301106295KQ Others 50 03337803075 mS-JustmyStyle
1404646 Raj New Submission OT201211304QREW3 Others 10 009258287744336 F_A_L_C_O_N6377
1403926 gca Deleted OT20121114QW9HDE Others 1387482 03128004937 pain_killer951
1403814 MasTerS Deleted OT20121112WRQ4MH Others 10 032697835 rapperboi123
1403135 XTZ gamingwars Deleted OT201210278WY932 Others 1 6685397 un.HoLYAssaSiN
1401639 safari gaming Normal OT20120926L4T4Q9 Others 15 03444755577 M.a.s.K
1401039 3d arena gsm Deleted OT20120916YPC563 Others 12 +922134146326 t1tano_0
1399135 LoveSF Normal OT20120823G9HPXX Others 10 03347888868 Koner976
1398714 Neo Gaming Normal OT20120815HMKG2C Others 15 923413102022 gcmslin
1398099 AL-qasim GamingWarZone Normal OT20120803678J7L Others 10 03476963899 ADm1rAL.GG
1396760 Fr1sKeR._.FtW Normal OT2012070892BSQG Others 15 03313509295 fr1sker._.ftW
1394243 gamestation Normal OT20120604WZCT3M Others 5 03022660307 lucky.mk
1379164 Darena GaminG Normal OT20110819BQA2NY Others 20 03449348994 admin_row
1371957 Black Moon Normal OT201105245PD83X Others 20 923427178671 admin_row
1407167 Poetas New Submission OT20130104DBRQQD Others 1 27935257 technitopopp3r
1404324 lycan Deleted OT201211233CHD8N Others 12 +989354623546 Peixin_32
1404017 Pro cafe Deleted OT20121117LTACB2 Others 12 +595961399909 masa-_-vampr
1386988 The Chosen OneS Normal OT20111229SLWQ42 Others 20 68655645 admin_row
1378146 Atomix Games Normal OT2011071824F98S Others 35 980461188 admin_row
1372105 Area 51 Gaming Center Normal OT20110531EC527J Others 51 0511986423700 admin_row
1408148 Frost New Submission OT201301216PNLSB Others 5 +77079367704 ReaL_F.r.o.s.T
1407723 Ar2r Club 2 New Submission OT20130115C55FAN Others 10 77777777 artourer
1407698 Ar2r Club New Submission OT20130115E4YD3S Others 20 77777777 artourer
1405714 Orange New Submission OT201212144RJF59 Others 28 87073483188 Lon3ly.Girl
1404318 Хакер New Submission OT201211234T9QGH Others 12 87282242852 denis_kdn
1404309 Тирэкс New Submission OT20121123QSR49R Others 23 87252567421 andreu2010
1404290 Тирэкс New Submission OT20121123L22QTW Others 23 (7252)567421 andreu2010
1404124 Yellowcard Deleted OT20121119TNC9WS Others 20 66109722 Night_Mare..666
1404009 Log Deleted OT20121117NZQTL9 Others 50 87057757016 nao309
1403312 Chicago Normal OT201210312P8K3A Others 30 +133389814 Azraim
1403311 Chicago Club Normal OT20121031WWDP87 Others 30 +77012376891 Azraim
1403310 Chicago-club Normal OT20121031HYEDJH Others 30 +77012376891 Azraim
1387098 4shot Normal OT20120102FRGPJ4 Others 20 +77751262660 Erla94
1386708 Shokolad Normal OT20111221L3ALNP Others 19 +77272784941 SouthFreeWind
1379780 Razor Normal OT20110907Y52JFQ Others 40 77015933333 admin_row
Share Key GCA Part 2

- Share key GCA ngày 1-3 và 2-3
- Share key GCA ngày 29-2
- Hướng dẫn gỡ GCA trong trường hợp bạn gỡ không được
- Share key GCA ngày 28-2
- Share key GCA ngày 27-2
- Share key GCA lần 6
- Share key GCA lần 5
- Share Key GCA lần 4
- Share key GCA part 3 - Key vừa check xong
- Công bố bảng thi đấu sự kiện Tổ đội Pudge
- [Tin tức]Thiên tài DotA PIS đau khổ trước sự phản bội của Bu Yan Chun - Bạn gái thỏa thân gây sốc khiêu dâm
- Đổi nhạc cho DotA với mode : -music